Schooling During the Pandemic

Schooling during the pandemic

Schooling in the pandemic has evolved significantly and came with a much larger challenge for not only schools but also students and parents. It would not be wrong to say that in the pandemic, the burden of schooling was inappropriately high on parents and the role became significantly more challenging and demanding.

This is where a state of the art and technologically advanced schooling system can come to the rescue.

Parents alongside their typical jobs have been tasked with ensuring that the kids do attend the classes properly and are on top of their assignments when it comes to getting educated during a global pandemic in a remote manner. Also read –  Why is Gurukul the best school in Panchkula?

A good school would aid in not only allowing parents to focus on their other tasks whilst ensuring the students are given proper attention but also ensure that the delta between remote education and in-person schooling is minimized.

Gurukul ensures and is constantly evolving and making changes to its pedagogy and also bringing in new and cutting edge technology to impart education to the kids. Nothing less would be expected from the best CBSE school in Panchkula.

Gurukul deploys strict controls in terms of not just teaching methods but also evaluation metrics and there are fool-proof methods to ensure that students take the lessons and classes as seriously as they would do in a physical setting. Also read –  What Gurukul school in Panchkula offers your Kid?

Gurukul trains its teachers on utilization of these new-age technologies that are loaded with a plethora of features that if utilised are going to make life easier for students as well as teachers and at the end of the day giving parents the assurance that their kids are still becoming a better version of themselves as compared to the day before. Also read –  How do schools help in Personality Development?

Gurukul, which is accredited as the best school in Panchkula, deploys multiple e-learning tools such as Zoom, MS Teams, Cisco, Mentimeter, Google classrooms, and our own proprietary software that assists in notes distribution, assignment collection, attendance, attendance tracking, and testing. Also read –  Gurukul Schools: Leading the way.

Additionally, the teachers are available to clear doubts on various platforms be it zoom, calls, one-on-one video calls, and students be it one or a group or an entire class, can request a refresher or a doubt clearing session for topics they do not feel comfortable or confident in. That makes Gurukul the best CBSE school in Panchkula and the nearing areas like Chandigarh.

What is even more challenging is to cater to the unacademic needs of the students such as the co-curricular activities such as debate competitions, extempore events, quiz challenges, singing competitions, elocutions, speech competitions, etc. to ensure that the kids have an extremely well-rounded persona. Gurukul, being the best school in Panchkula, ensures that all these and more such competitions are done in an online manner. Also read –  Why is Gurukul the best choice for your child?

The pandemic has taught us multiple things and Gurukul, being the top school in Panchkula, ensured that it created and changed the entire schooling universe in a sustainable manner. The best CBSE school in Panchkula believed in Failing Fast and evolving quickly to the next step to arrive at the best online teaching methods in the fastest possible manner. The efforts are unending and are continued in this space and the best school in Panchkula has decided to be the most agile and dynamic school in Panchkula.

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How to spend quality time with your kids?

How to spend quality time with your kids?

In the current world, people believe time is money, and is very crucial how they spend it. It is very important in today’s time to spend the time we have wisely. When you have children, spending quality time with them becomes of utmost importance. These days where both parents are working, or are highly occupied in their own work, it is mandatory that they plan their time accordingly as to how they can make the best of the time that they spend with their kids. Here are a few tips that can help you plan quality time management with your kids.

  1. Plan activities with them: The way times are changing, time spent with kids cannot be taken lightly. You have to pre-plan the time that you are going to spend with your kids and make sure that you are making the best of it. Therefore it would be useful if you could plan in advance the activities that you are going to do with your kids. It doesn’t have to be rocket science plans, activities are simple as gardening on a holiday when planned in advance can aid to the quality of the time spent. Also read – Gurukul Schools: Leading the way.
  2. Take interest in their lives: All kids have a lot of stories to share with their parents, however, most parents turn a deaf ear to them, this is a huge mistake. When these days most parents hardly get any time to spend with their kids, it is important that you pay attention when your kid is talking with you or sharing any anecdote. Having the attention of their parents, aids to the confidence of growing children. When you would listen to the stories of your kids, not just your kids will feel important but you would also get to know a lot about what’s happening in your kid’s life and can help in strengthening your bond with the child. Also read – How do schools help in Personality Development?
  3. Have meals together: This is an age-old trick from the book that can never go obsolete. Having meals together as a family is a tradition that is followed for ages and is continued till today because of its many benefits. No matter how busy you get in your life make sure that when the family is that home they have their meals together. Initially, even if you have to force your kids to have the meals together that is okay, but once it becomes a habit, it will be a tradition that they will cherish their lifetime. Eating together is a great bonding exercise for a family which is natural in Indian households. Also, read – How to make young children independent?
  4. Help kids with their homework: Most of the time that the kids spend is either at school or at home doing homework. Helping kids with their homework can be a great time for you to spend some quality time with your kids. You have to carefully watch your behavior when you are spending time with your kids. The calmer you are while helping your kids with their home, the better the time and bond between you guys would become. When kids would see a calmer and helping side of you during doing their homework, it would also increase the trust of your child in you. Remember, the harsher you will get, the farther you will move away from the child. Also, read – How can Music help young students?

Hoping these tips help you in spending quality time with your kids. If you are looking for a quality school in Panchkula, contact Gurukul school today.

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How do schools help in Personality Development?

How do schools help in Personality Development

Personality development is a term that has become of utmost importance. It starts from a very young age and the entire life is devoted to it. This has become such a crucial part these days Schools have special classes that help in enhancing the personality of the students.

So, why has Personality Development become so important?

In the last decade, we have seen a huge surge in the emphasis on Personality Development, even kids are not spared from it. It has become important since it is a highly competitive world today, the world that we live in is far different from the world that was a decade ago. Therefore it becomes extremely crucial that kids put through personality development from a young age. Gurukul School in Panchkula is one such school that puts great emphasis on the personality development of its students.

The school is also crucial in the Personality Development of students because schools are the second home of the students. The most amount of time kids spend after their home is their school, and it is the school where most of the effective learning takes place. So, for the personality development of a child, it is very important that parents choose a school that focuses on it. Gurukul school in Panchkula makes sure that Personality Development is an important part of their curriculum. Also, read – What Gurukul school in Panchkula offers your Kid?

Various ways how schools help in Personality Development are:

  1. Organizing co-curricular activities: Co-curricular activities are a great booster of personality for children. When children take part in various co-curricular activities like debate, elocution, etc., they not just help on removing stage fear from students but also boost their confidence. Confident students have far better personalities than unconfident ones. In today’s highly competitive environment it is very important for students to start being confident from an early age. A highly confident individual is a far suited job candidate than others. Gurukul school in Panchkula also believes that preparation for the future success of students begins today. They often organize Debates and various other co-curricular activities and encourage their students to actively take part in them. They also send their students to competitions in other schools to students understand the needs of the present and prepare accordingly. Also, read – Why is Gurukul the best school in Panchkula?
  2. Delegation of responsibility to students: Another way how schools help in the personality development of students is by giving responsibility to students. When students are in charge of something and when they fulfill the responsibility in a nice way it aids to the confidence of the students. Responsibilities like class monitors, house captains, prefects, head boy, and head girls, etc. these ensure that students are able to learn leadership from a very tender age and can grow on the skills learned during the schooling time. Gurukul the best CBSE school in Panchkula understands this extremely well and therefore this makes it the best school in Panchkula for honing leadership skills in students and preparing a breed of strong future leaders. Also, read – Why is Gurukul the best choice for your child?
  3. Making Industry and Leadership Meets: Gurukul is the best school in Panchkula to foster strong industry alliances and partnerships and ensures that students get the opportunity to meet leaders from various walks of life such as politics, sports, entertainment, etc. and students learn from the best in the class and get a chance to meet their idols. Also read – Gurukul School – Panchkula | Best School for your Child.

The above factors ensure that Gurukul is by far the best school in Panchkula. Registrations are open, contact for admission today.

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Why is Gurukul the best school in Panchkula?

Why is Gurukul the best school in Panchkula?

No matter what the background and affordability of a parent is, a parent always wants the best for his/her child. Parents are ready to push to extreme limits just to give their children the best of the lot. This habit becomes even more peculiar when it comes to choosing the “school” for their child because even parents understand that it is the school that sets the foundation for their children. Learning does begin at home but it is at school that the proper formal learning begins for a child, so how can a parent go wrong with that. When it comes to choosing the school for your child, it is always best to do a thorough research. It is that research that proves that Gurukul is the best CBSE school in Panchkula.

The various factors that you will consider before finalizing the school for your child, Gurukul excels in all of them:

Infrastructure: Parents do not want their children to go to a constricted school that gives a claustrophobic feel. The architecture and ambience of a school aid a great deal in setting the happy and concentrated mood of the children. Gurukul excels in providing the best ambience and architecture if you are looking for a school for your child in Panchkula. It has airy and spacious classrooms, big playgrounds, and well-equipped bathrooms. It is not just the teaching that makes a school great, infrastructure like that of Gurukul makes the school fun and wanting to. Also read – How to Find the Best CBSE School in Panchkula?

Teaching: When a parent is looking for a school for their child, the most important aspect that they are looking for is the type of education that will be imparted in the school. It is the quality of education that is a deal-breaker in choosing the school for your child. Teaching is heavily dependent on the quality of teachers that a school has, a great teacher can make the most complex math problem sound like a rhyme whereas a teacher who isn’t equipped enough may not be able to do that same. Gurukul school in Panchkula makes sure that the teachers they hire are an expert in their field. Gurukul even offers regular training and exercises for its teachers so they can move in tandem with the changing teaching styles and be up to date. It is the quality of the teaching that Gurukul provides that makes it the best CBSE school in Panchkula. Also read – Gurukul School – Panchkula | Best School for your Child.

Co-curricular activities: In the twenty-first century it isn’t just the teaching and education that defines and worth and quality of a school. These parents believe that they will support their child in any field if they excel at it, so it is very important for a school to be laced and equipped with facilities other than just teaching. A school should maintain a healthy balance between, education and co-curricular activities because “all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy.” Facilities like sports, music, dance and other co-curricular activities not just help in a proper 360-degree development of the child but also in today’s world it can always come in handy as an alternative career choice. Gurukul school in Panchkula makes sure that all co-curricular activities are done in the school and students take active participation in them too. Also read- The Gurukul – Top Ranked Schools in Zirakpur.

 If you are a parent who is looking for the best CBSE school for your child in Panchkula, then look no further, contact the Gurukul school today.

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Why is Gurukul the best choice for your child?

Why is Gurukul the best choice for your child?

Whether it is admitting your child in a pre-school or changing your child’s school at a later stage, a parent always wants to make the most thoughtful decision in both times.  As a parent, you also want to make sure that if a school is good it should be fit enough for higher education for your child so you don’t have to make constant changes in the schooling career of your child. This is how Gurukul makes a perfect fitment if you are looking for the best CBSE school in Panchkula.

With being established and running for over two decades, Gurukul school in Panchkula has all the accolades and achievements that make it the best CBSE school in Panchkula. Established in the year 2001, Gurukul has moved in tandem with the changing trends and patterns whereas also making sure that it remembers and does justice to the foundations that it was set upon. Gurukul believes in the ideologies that a person should be updated with the latest technologies however one should also never forget our roots and where we come from. Also read – Gurukul School – Panchkula | Best School for your child.

If you want a school for your child that gives a holistic development for your child, that makes sure that your child is ahead with all the latest education techniques and trends and is also aware and proud of the rich culture, value, and heritage of our country, then you should admit your child in Gurukul school in Panchkula. A school that caters to all the current day needs of a child which also makes sure that the students of this school know and remember the legacy of a great country that they come from. Gurukul believes in the traditional Indian education system and has amalgamated it with the latest trends and evolution in the sector to offer the best in class infrastructure, pedagogy, and academics making gurukul the top-ranked school in Panchkula. Also read – The Gurukul – Top Ranked Schools in Zirakpur.

Being a top-ranked school in Panchkula, Gurukul offers students the latest cutting-edge methods of teaching such as Online Classes, Back-up Classes, Doubt clearing Sessions, Teaching through audio-video interactive tools, and various e-Learning modules. Our teachers are extremely well-trained in utilizing an extremely wide library of e-learning resources which enable the kids to memorize the concepts in a manner that stays with them for a lifetime. Our able teachers coupled with the administration’s support make gurukul the top-ranked school in Panchkula and proudly make us Panchkula’s top school.

Gurukul is not just a school, it’s a home away from home for our students. They experience world-class infrastructure and learn from the experts of the field while being highly safe and secure. A school that has been constantly proving its expertise when it comes to being the best CBSE school in Panchkula. A school that treats its students as its own children and wants nothing but the best for them. A school that makes sure that when its students move out of their school, they make their school and nation proud, wherever they go. Also read – The Gurukul – Good CBSE Schools in Panchkula (Tricity).

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How to communicate better with your teenagers?

How to communicate better with your teenagers?

It is often said that to make any relationship work effectively, “communication is the key.” The case with parents and their teenage children is no different, it is the only communication that can help you bridge the gap between you and your young adults and pave a way for healthy relationships. There are so many obvious advantages when there is free flow communication across generations and so much that the elder generation can bestow upon the next with their experience. Vice versa, there are so many unconquered frontiers that the seniors can learn from the young. Also read – Various Stages of School Education In India

To highlight a few:

  1. Facilitates Learning: Youngsters can learn from their parents as to what works and what does not. It is one thing to fail and learn, but it’s so much better to learn from the mistakes of others. When parents share their experiences with their growing children, it gives them a sense of belonging, it makes them feel that they are not alone in going through these things. It boosts their confidence, they feel ready to learn while making mistakes. No one likes to be the lone wolf, if you know what you are going through right now, everyone goes through some time, which makes you feel much better and relieved. Also read – Benefits of enrolling your child in a CBSE Board School in Panchkula
  2. Helps deal with situations: Elders can show a more mature way of handling real-world situations that can be slightly tricky for someone who is caught in a spot of bother for the first time. When we are in our adolescence age, everything is new and feels supremely crucial. We seem to give way more importance to things that might just be a part a parcel of our life, at that moment children just need someone to tell them that its normal and wouldn’t even matter in the longer run, and who better than parents to tell children the same. When we have dealt with the same problems in the past, we become experts in that topic, and who is a better teacher than experience itself! Share some wisdom with your teenagers and that’s all that you need. Also read – How to make young children independent?
  3. Bridges the Gap: Communication is the key to overcoming prejudices and concerns that the elder generation might have which the next-gen can alleviate with strong rationale and data-driven inputs. Similarly, the younger generation often feels that their parents don’t understand them, they feel that they rely on their age-old practices and are averse to new ideas. When you communicate with your teenage children, there are very high chances that they will understand where you are coming from, your suggestions might actually start making sense to your teenage children if you communicate with them.
  4. Makes the bond better: Teenage is the time when children break the shackles of their childhood and start identifying themselves as young adults. This is the time when a rift is created between parents and their children. So, you as a parent, use this crucial time to talk with your teenage children. You don’t have to be a helicopter parent but find the right time to talk with your children. Find topics that can help connect the both of you. You can read about things about their generation, and share your ideas and things with them.  Also read – How can Music help young students?

A good school that inculcates good moral values in children, can also help in making them responsible young adults. If you are looking for a good school in Panchkula for your teenage child, then Gurukul school in Panchkula is a place that can make the transition easy.

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How can Music help young students?

How can Music help young students- Gurukul school

“If music be the food of love, play on!” Thus said, Shakespeare.

Music isn’t just the food of love it is an important part of the diet of all our lives. Music helps us activate our three-dimensional thinking and helps our brain function more proactively. Music is not just a passion or liking, if music is introduced to children at a young age, it can act as a booster of their brain development and thinking abilities.

Also Read –  Benefits of enrolling your child in a CBSE Board School in Panchkula

There are a lot of ways, music can help your young children, let’s see how:

  1. Makes communication and Imagination better: Music plays a key tool in expanding the neural networks of the brain of your child in their growth years. Better brain development helps in the overall growth of the child. Children who are introduced to music at an early age are better at communication skills and thinking abilities than children who are not aware or are not introduced to music. Gurukul School in Panchkula makes sure that the students in their school are introduced to music from an early age so the kids are acing in future.Also Read – How to Find the Best CBSE School in Panchkula?
  2. Helps in better motor development: Music acts as a great source in facilitating motor development of the brain. Children with an affinity for music perform the basic tasks better and they even have better mind-body coordination than the other kids. Music acts as an effortless tool that makes the development better while also being something that the children enjoy. While other tasks and activities that we make our kids do could be cumbersome and exhausting, music is one tool that the children enjoy and love associating themselves with.Also Read – Mobile safety tips for youngsters
  3. Gives them a sense of belonging: Children at a young age always look for something to associate themselves with, an association with music, can be a great way to give them a sense of belonging. It will give them a sense of happiness and individuality. There can be no better way than music to instill the sense of belongingness and individuality that can really help in shaping their personality as young adults.
  4. Helps with their planning skills: Young children when they start associating themselves with music, become better at a lot of other skills that may not be directly associated with music. A happy child will perform better and grasp things better than the child that is being forced to learn things. Music association uplifts the overall mood of the children. It can help your child be happy for a longer run.Also Read – Why are Arts and Crafts important in a Child’s Life?
  5. Great Career Option: When we introduce children to music at a young age that is not to instill a passion for music but to help with better brain development and keeping them engaged and happy. It can act as a blessing in disguise, if your child, finds a connection to music and develops a passion for it. In the twenty-first century, there is no place for stereotypical career options. If your child finds a connection to music then it will be an added bonus for your child that he/she started their music practice at a very young age.Also Read – Helping Teen Decide What to Do After High School

For young children, there is nothing like music that can help in giving a sense of fulfillment and boosting their self-confidence. If you are looking for a school in Panchkula for your child that will not just impart education but have a curriculum that aims at an overall development, Gurukul School in Panchkula is the place for you.


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How to Find the Best CBSE School in Panchkula?

How to Find the Best CBSE school in Panchkula

Schools are always named as the Home away from Home, therefore finding the best school for your child becomes a crucial decision. School is the first place that a child spends most times after his/her home and as they grow up, they spend more time at school while they spend at home. It is a place where they learn their values and principles that form a major role in what they grow up to become. A place that adds a personalized identity to them where they are known as their names and for themselves. So, before finalizing the best school for your child, here are a few points you should keep in mind:

  • It should have a safe environment: You would always want your child to go to an environment where your child feels safe. When a child feels safe, all aspects of the child’s personality are allowed to grow in full bloom. Knowing that your child is in a safe space will give a great sense of relief to you too. 
  • Should be Value-based: It is not just the course that you should look for when finalizing the school of your child. A child’s personality is formed by a lot of things. It is very important that at the right age, good values and principles are imbibed in the children so they remember it for the long run and become better human beings. Gurukul school in Panchkula is a perfect example of a school that is in tandem with the modern world whilst holding on tightly to its roots.
    You can read also – The Gurukul – Good CBSE Schools in Panchkula (Tricity)
  • Should be an option based: A lot of children stick to just one school till class 12th, therefore while you pick a school it is important that you also enquire about the options available for higher classes in that school, so in future, your child doesn’t have to switch school because a certain subject wasn’t available.
  • Sports should be given importance: These days students don’t just want to study, they want to experiment and try their luck at almost everything. It is in childhood that our love for sports begins. So when you look for schools for your child, try and find a school that pays attention to sports as well. This way you won’t have to send your child to multiple places for sports separately. If you are looking for private schools in Panchkula that pay attention to sports, Gurukul is the best option for you. 
  • Faculty should be best: Students are only as good as their teachers, therefore faculty is the most crucial scrutiny that you should do when finalizing a school for your child. When teachers are good, children look forward to going to school, and learning is made fun of. Concepts are made clear very quickly and you don’t have to arrange for separate tuitions for all subjects too. This way the child gets proper time to rest, exercise, and study and therefore strikes a healthy balance.You can read also – Why are Arts and Crafts important in a Child’s Life?

So, if you are looking for the best CBSE school in Panchkula, Gurukul school is an option that checks all the criteria and is the perfect place for your child.


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Why are Arts and Crafts important in a Child’s Life?

Why are Arts and Crafts important in a Child’s Life?

“Art has the role in education of helping children become like themselves instead of more like everyone else”  – Sydney Gurewitz Clemens.

As much as arts and crafts are not given importance in our education system, as important, it is in the growth of a child. Arts and crafts let children express themselves like no other form can. It gives them individuality and helps them understand better. It sets children away from boundaries, it is the most fun form of learning that a child can have. Here are a few points that will help you understand why arts and crafts are important in a child’s life:

  • Helps with better mental growth: In the growth years of a child, it is very important that they are made to do activities that will help with the development of all parts of the brain. Arts and crafts activities help with better functioning of cognitive abilities and motor receptors of the brain.
  • Boots Confidence: Arts and crafts are places that are least judgemental, so when a child tries a hand at art and crafts and they create something, it instills a great sense of confidence in themselves. Confidence is a factor that plays a major role in our life in the longer run, therefore what is a better way than arts and crafts to boost confidence in your children. If you are looking for a school in Panchkula that pays importance to arts and crafts as well as an academic curriculum, Gurukul School has mastered the art.You can read also – The Gurukul – Good CBSE Schools in Panchkula (Tricity)
  • Makes them Creative: Arts and Crafts is a great way to introduce the idea of creativity to your children. It lets children become creative and make a world of their own. When children learn to be creative it also gives them problem-solving skills and makes them more independent. Children who have done arts and crafts in their childhood grow up to become adults who are more confident and independent.
  • Alternate Career Option: In the 21st century there is no one strict formula to succeed in life, you can be successful at anything you put your heart and soul into. Introducing a child to arts and crafts in the initial years is a great way to test the areas of interest. Children with special talents are identified in the crib itself, so it is very important to introduce your child to arts and crafts. Gurukul school in Panchkula has a curriculum that is very beautifully curated keeping in mind the balance between studies, sports, and arts and crafts.You can read also – 10 ways guardians can help children adjust to high school

In the olden days, sports and arts and crafts were considered to be a waste of time, but such is not the condition today. The 21st century has opened the doors for everyone to succeed, you just have to be the best at it. To be best at something it is very important that we start our practice at the earliest. Therefore picking a school for your child that not just focuses on studies but focuses on co-curricular activities as well as arts and crafts opens the gate of unlimited potential. When students study in such schools, the sky is the limit for them. If you are looking for such a school for your child in Panchkula,
visit Gurukul School today!

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