Gaurdians helping kids settle in High School
As swift as the transition from dusk to night similar is to going to High School, sooner than you know you are going to be an adult but in your head, you are still a child. It is a difficult time both for the parent and the child as they both are going through a lot of changes. For parents, their baby bears don’t behave like babies anymore whereas, for the children, they believe their parents should start taking them seriously, which they don’t. This time seems like a rollercoaster ride, however, if dealt with properly this can be one of the fun roller-coasters that you enjoy a lot.
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Here are 10 ways how Parents/ Guardians can help their children adjust to high school:
- Be there: As simple as this phrase, as difficult it is to implement it. You have to find a perfect balance between not prying and being a step away when your child needs you.
- Prepare them:This might be a time when your kids might be throwing tantrums and making you feel like you aren’t wanted, but, you are needed the most at this time, to prepare them for the outside world.
- Talk to them:When the kids are growing into young adults, you have to find ways to talk to your child, where your child feels that he/she isn’t being lectured upon but also gets the gist of what you are trying to communicate.
- Discuss school with them:Once you start discussing school with your child, it will be a gateway for you to know how your child is adjusting to this new life and how can you help.
- Share your stories:Nothing like making your children feel that you understand what they are going through. Make sure to share honest stories, stories through which your children can feel connected, not the ones singing praises of high and mighty.
- It’s a phase:When we are in a transition phase, everything feels different, and we feel stuck. It is a time when your experience can come in handy for your child. If your child can understand that it is natural to feel out of place at the moment, but gradually it all settles down and it all starts making sense, they might have a great sense of relief.
- Strengthen the value system:It is the time to cement the bricks of values and principles that you grew up your child with. Your child is at a highly impressionable age at the moment, so you have to make sure that you have taught your child well enough for him to flow with the wind while keeping his/her roots intact.
You can read also – 10 Ways To Introduce Play Way School In Panchkula – Gurukul School - Create bonding exercises: Be it game a football or cooking a meal together, you should start a bonding exercise with your child which acts as a relaxing and bonding time for you and your child.
- Be a friend: The time has come when you have to switch gears from being a parent to a friend for your child.
- Be you: No matter what anyone else tells you, your gut knows what’s best for your child.