Is Technology a Boon or a Bane for Young Students?

Is technology a boon Or a bane for young students?

Technology: Boon or Bane for young Students

Had this question been asked two or three years ago there would have been a lot of pros and cons for this question, however, the past year has changed the entire narrative on which this question hinges. This has become a very one-sided question that fairly tilts towards one side.

Before the pandemic, technology was always seen as a sword that needed to be balanced very judiciously. Parents were always cautious and contemplating how much seeping of technology into their child’s life is good for them. There was always a debate on whether technology is doing more harm than good. Needless to say, post the advent of technology the world has taken a shift of entirely three-sixty degrees, but during the pandemic, technology emerged as a greater boon than bane. Imagining a world without technology in the covid times is horrifying.

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It is all credit of technology on what was supposed to be a break year of major students and children’s from their studies, it kept them connected and helped them complete their curriculum as well. It was with the help of technology that students were connected to their schools and were studying too. It was a strange time, however with the help of technology, young students could deal with it with a little less difficulty.

Having discussed the benefits of technology in the past year, we can’t ignore the fact that this time has increased the usage of technology among young students by many folds. With the increase in usage, they have become adept at handling technology with much ease, at times they know things that their parents aren’t even aware of. There needs to be a check to make sure that children are putting technology to good use. Young students are at a very impressionable age, it wouldn’t take seconds to change the boons of technology to bane.

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Here are a few things that you can do to make sure young students are making good use of the excess of technology that is at their disposal:

  1. Keep a Check: This does not mean that you have to constantly pry of your children, but you should be aware of what your child is consuming digitally. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to make sure that your child is making the right decisions.
  2. Use Parental Control: No matter how much you try you can’t always be at the top of what your child is up to. A lot of digital devices and apps provide the feature of Parental Lock where you can limit what your child consumes digitally. This way even when you are not around you can rest assured that your child can only engage in content that is appropriate for his/her age.
  3. Communicate with your Child: Even when you try your best to make the technological use the most beneficial for your child, there are going to be times when your child will come across stuff that the child might be curious about and who is best enlighten that curiosity than you. These communications will not just help in the better development of your child but will also make you his/her confidant.

Happy Parenting!

You can read also –  Develop Critical Thinking in Students

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Develop Critical Thinking in Students

Develop Critical Thinking in Students

There is a huge difference between normal and critical thinking. Critical thinking leads to grasping better and accurate knowledge about anything you wants to know. It helps students to clear concepts in a better way.

Critical thinking is about asking the right questions after analysing and evaluating the topic of argument or discussion. It is not about finding flaws in things that other people’s claims. It is more about coming to the right or the most refined conclusion.

Why is it necessary to develop critical thinking in students?

Critical thinking will be the most needed skill for every student in the near future. Whether they want to become an entrepreneur or a scientist, critical thinking will be playing the most essential role while achieving goals.

Here are five reasons that will prove how critical or logical thinking must be developed in students:

Works with all-types-of-learnings

Be it academic or sports, critical thinking in students help them to learn and counter real problems in every field. The logical approach or critical thinking makes them fluent to come to the right conclusion of the problem or solution.

It improves their creativity

Creativity and logical thinking are interconnected as both are concerned to deliver the perfect or the best solution for the given problem or task. Evaluating a situation or project from different perspectives surely improve the level of creativity in a student.

Promotes autonomous learning

Autonomous learning refers to self-studying or learning things by self, which is equally important to attend classes in a school. Critical thinking helps students to make self-learning more effective and fruitful to clear concepts in academics.

It is necessary to improve grades

Percentage of marks and grades play important role in students’ life. It motivates them to keep up doing good work with a logical and creative approach.

It is necessary to clear concepts in minimum time

It can make you frustrated when you give ample time to a topic or concept to understand and still not clear in your head. When you keep working on logical and critical thinking, you start noticing that things are getting improved when it comes to understanding different topics and concepts.

Remember, a country grows when real talent and the right approach come into existence in that country. And developing critical and logical thinking is the only way to take to the level of including into the list of superpowers.

Through a dedicated and logical approach, The Gurukul School is continuously working on developing and improving critical thinking in its students. The school’s dedicated staffs of teachers are highly concerned to develop logical approach in its students to deliver true geniuses to our country.

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